“Punker to Pastor is the compelling story of one man's struggle to overcome the many temptations and circumstances in life, that often lead us to make choices we later regret. Pastor Kelly Lohrke brings home the reality so many of us, including myself, have come to realize, that the answer to all of life's questions and problems can be found in one person, Jesus Christ. I strongly recommend this book to anyone, both those seeking answers and those secure in their relationship with Christ. It's the story of coming out of the darkness into the light!”
-Ted DiBiase, “Million Dollar Man”
Former World Champion of WWE
"Going from punker to pastor, my attitude remains the same–give it your all! The only difference is that I went from the life of sin to a life of righteousness. In my punker years, I gave my all to Satan and held nothing back. Should I offer my Lord Jesus any less? My desire within these pages is to truly challenge every reader to give the Lord Jesus there all, and not hold anything back; be radical in their service to God. Clearly, if we could live a life of radical sin, why not live one in radical obedience? We must live our lives and fulfill all that God has for us. We have one life to live and only a certain amount of time to live. We have wasted plenty of time before, living for ourselves and now we must give it all to Christ. God can take it any line, mold, show you, and build it, to be used by him."
-Pastor Kelly Lohrke
Pastor Kelly is an author, minister, husband, father, but most of all he is a Disciple of Jesus Christ. His testimony is a powerful tool in which God uses to reach the lost and the hurting. He was born in Los Angeles, California. When he was about 12-years-old, he went with hiscousin to see a movie on the end times called “A Thief in the Night.” He went forward and responded to the call for salvation, but because of his home environment and lack of supervision, he headed down a road of drugs and alcohol and became consumed with the punk rock scene.
For the next seven years, he was completely involved in the drugs, alcohol and punk rock scene. By his 16th birthday, he was on the run and living on the streets or with friends. After a few years, his grandfather made provisions for him to stay in the garage of his rental property at the time. The family that lived in that home were born-again Christians and they were praying for Pastor Kelly’s salvation. He was still addicted to drugs, alcohol and punk rock music with his blue hair and chains. This family continued to pray for him. One day he came home from a 3-day meth binge, walked into the garage, and fell on his knees to accept Jesus.
On October 2, 1988 Pastor Kelly married Esther, and on March 28, 1991 God blessed them with their firstborn child, James Kelly Lohrke. God had spoken to Kelly and given him visions of becoming a pastor and pioneering a church one day. He was determined to do whatever God asked him to do. In September 1993, Pastor Kelly was ordained and sent by his home church.